Alabama Felon Jobs: What Are The Best Jobs For Felons?

 When it comes to finding a job, felons face many challenges. Not only are they competing with non-felons for jobs, but they also have to contend with the stigma of their criminal record. Fortunately, there are some states that are more friendly to felons than others when it comes to finding employment. Alabama is one of those states. In this blog post, we will explore the best jobs for felons in Alabama. From truck driving to construction work and more, we will provide a comprehensive list of options for those with a criminal record.

What are the best jobs for felons in Alabama?

In Alabama, there are a number of jobs that felons can do. Here is a list of the best jobs for felons in Alabama:

-Construction worker
-Truck driver
-Warehouse worker
-Factory worker

How to get a job with a felony in Alabama

If you have a felony on your record in Alabama, it can be difficult to find a job. However, there are some jobs that are more forgiving of felonies than others. Here are some of the best jobs for felons in Alabama:

1. Warehouse worker: Many warehouses will hire felons, as long as they are not sex offenders. This is a great job for those who want to stay out of the public eye and do not mind manual labor.

2. Janitor: Janitorial positions are often available to those with felonies on their records. This is a good option for those who want to work regular hours and do not mind doing physical work.

3. Office assistant: Many offices will hire felons as long as they are not sex offenders or violent criminals. This is a good option for those who have office experience and want to work in a more traditional setting.

4. Delivery driver: Some companies that offer delivery services will hire felons. This is a good job for those who have a clean driving record and do not mind being on the road during the day.

5. Landscaper: Landscaping companies often hire felons, as long as they are not sex offenders or violent criminals. This is a good job for those who enjoy being outdoors and do not mind doing physical labor

What companies hire felons in Alabama?

Losing your job is one of the many devastating consequences of a felony conviction. In Alabama, the process of finding employment after a felony can be even more difficult, as many employers are reluctant to hire those with a criminal record.

However, there are some companies in Alabama that are willing to give felons a chance. Here are some of the best jobs for felons in Alabama:




The best industries for felons in Alabama

There are many different industries that are willing to give felons a chance in Alabama. Many of these companies have programs specifically for hiring felons, and they recognize the value that these individuals can bring to the workforce.

Some of the best industries for felons in Alabama include:

Construction: There are many construction companies in Alabama that are willing to give felons a chance. This industry is a great option for those who have experience in the trade.

Food Service: Food service is another industry that is willing to hire felons. This industry offers many entry-level positions, and it is a great way to get your foot in the door of the workforce.

Retail: Retail is another industry that is willing to hire felons. This industry offers many entry-level positions, and it is a great way to get your foot in the door of the workforce.

These are just a few of the many industries that are willing to hire felons in Alabama. If you have experience in any of these industries, be sure to search for jobs that match your skillset.


There are plenty of great jobs for felons in Alabama, so don't despair if you have a criminal record. With a little bit of research and perseverance, you should be able to find a job that's right for you. And remember, there are plenty of resources available to help you succeed in your job search, so don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Read More


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