This Person Is Living In Alaska And Getting Free Money Forever

 You may have heard of the Alaska Permanent Fund, but you may not know exactly what it is or how it works. In short, the Alaska Permanent Fund is a state-run program that provides every resident of Alaska with an annual cash payment. Yes, you read that correctly. Every year, every single person living in Alaska gets a check from the state for money that they can use however they see fit. While some people may see this as a handout or free money, it’s actually a way for the state to share its natural resources with its residents. After all, it’s not like Alaska is swimming in cash; the state relies heavily on oil revenue to make ends meet. So, if you’re thinking about moving to Alaska or are already a resident, here’s what you need to know about the Alaska Permanent Fund.

What is the Permanent Fund Dividend?

The Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) is an annual payment to eligible residents of Alaska. The PFD was created in 1976 when Alaskans voted to constitutionally protect a portion of the state’s mineral wealth as an investment fund for future generations. The Alaska Legislature has the authority to appropriate funds from the earnings of the Permanent Fund to pay dividends to eligible Alaskans.

To be eligible for a PFD, an individual must have resided in Alaska for a full calendar year, and must not have been absent from the state for more than 180 days during that year. An individual must also be at least 18 years old, or if under 18, must have parent or guardian permission to apply for the dividend.

The PFD amount is calculated using a five-year average of Permanent Fund earnings and is divided equally among all eligible applicants. For example, if the five-year average is $2,000 and there are 50,000 eligible applicants, each person would receive a dividend of $40.

In recent years, the PFD has ranged from $1,000-$2,000.

How Much Money Do Alaskans Get?

In Alaska, every person receives a dividend from the state's Permanent Fund each year. The amount of the dividend varies, but it is typically around $1,000 per person. In addition to this, Alaskans also do not have to pay state income tax or sales tax. This makes living in Alaska very affordable, especially for those who are on a fixed income.

What Are the Requirements to Qualify for the Permanent Fund Dividend?

In order to qualify for the Permanent Fund Dividend in Alaska, an individual must have resided in the state for at least one calendar year, and must have been physically present in the state for a minimum of 180 days during that year. Additionally, applicants must not be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return.

How Is the Permanent Fund Dividend Paid Out?

Each year, the Alaska Permanent Fund makes payments to eligible Alaskans through the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) program. The PFD is typically paid out in October and is based on the fund’s performance for the previous fiscal year.

To be eligible for the PFD, an individual must have been a resident of Alaska for at least one calendar year as of December 31st of the qualifying year. In addition, residents must have resided in Alaska for at least 180 days during the qualifying year. Part-year residents are not eligible for the PFD.

The amount of each PFD payment is calculated using a formula that considers the fund’s five-year average earnings and pays out 20% of that average. The maximum amount that can be paid out each year is $2,000 per person.

In recent years, the average PFD payment has been around $1,000. However, the exact amount varies from year to year and is not announced until October when payments are made.

Are There Any Other Benefits to Living in Alaska?

Yes, there are other benefits to living in Alaska beyond receiving free money. For example, the state is home to some of the most breathtaking scenery in the country, with towering mountains, pristine glaciers, and stunning coastline. There are also plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation, whether you enjoy hiking, fishing, or just spending time in nature. And because it's so far north, you get to experience unique phenomena like the midnight sun in summer and the Northern Lights in winter.


There is no doubt that living in Alaska and getting free money forever sounds like a dream come true. However, it is important to remember that this person is still living in Alaska, which means they have to deal with the cold weather and isolation. While the free money may help them live a comfortable life, it is not going to make up for the drawbacks of living in such a remote location. Click Here for free living in alaska and getting money forever.


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